Dreams and Sleep Apnea: Understanding the Connection
Sleep apnea, a common yet serious sleep disorder, disrupts more than just breathing. It can deeply influence the quality and nature of our dreams. For many, the intersection of dreams and sleep apnea is confusing or even alarming. Are vivid, unsettling dreams a warning sign? Could recurring nightmares about suffocation mean something more? Dr. Luke […]
Sleep Apnea and Anxiety: Understanding the Connection
Sleep apnea and anxiety are two conditions that affect millions of people and can significantly diminish the quality of life. While they may seem unrelated at first glance, growing evidence suggests a strong link between the two, creating a cycle where one condition exacerbates the other. Dr. Luke Bauserman of Better Sleep MOV offers valuable […]
Does Sleeping Sitting Upright Help Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a common and serious sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Its impact on quality of life and overall health makes managing the condition a priority for those diagnosed. Among the various strategies to alleviate symptoms, sleep positioning often emerges as a simple but effective option. One of the frequently debated […]